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Will Your Nest Egg Last Longer Than You Do?- Episode 147

You may have heard that if you take no more than 4 percent of your portfolio’s value every year, it will (statistically) last at least 30 years. But does following this “4-percent rule” actually guarantee that you won’t run out of money?

It does not. Too many factors can come into play over the course of a retirement that can interrupt – or completely disrupt – your ability to generate a lifetime of income.  So what can you do to avoid the increasing worry as you get older that your money will eventually run out?

The short, simple answer is this: have a strategy.  Podcast host Johnny Dean is joined today by Rashard Cook, VP and Wealth Manager at Lucia Capital Group, to talk about what Rashard sees as the most important ways to potentially make your money last at least as long as you do on this week’s episode of Managing Your Financial Future!

Important Information:

You should always seek counsel of the appropriate advisor prior to making any investment decision. All investments are subject to risk including the loss of principal.

Rashard Cook is a registered representative with, and securities and advisory services offered through LPL Financial, a registered investment advisor and member FINRA/SIPC. The investment professionals are affiliated with LPL Financial and are conducting business using the name Lucia Capital Group, a separate entity from LPL Financial.

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